3D Lesson plans


3D Model Database
3D Print Resources
3D Print Solution

Who is it for

BE3D Academy is an online collection of 3D lesson plans designed for educators. 3D lesson plans are teacher-tested projects that use 3D printing to bring STEAM subject matter to life. Each 3D lesson plan offers a variety of tools including 3D model files, videos, student worksheets, and presentations to introduce a project to students.

Now ISTE standard compliant

The model files in the BE3D Academy lesson plans and model database are optimized for printing on a BE3D eDee printer and are provided as is. If using another 3D printer, your results may vary.

3D Lessons indicated as Premium Lessons are exclusive for BE3D eDee customers and customers purchasing the new EDU bundle. Learn how to access Premium Lessons and about the EDU bundle.
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BE3D Academy now includes 3D lessons co-developed with Masaryk University and co-financed with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) within the ÉTA program. The image above accompanies each 3D lesson that was developed through this cooperation for easy identification. We are proud of this cooperation and the support that enables us to offer these special 3D lessons freely to all BE3D Academy registrants.
Go to Masaryk Co-developed Lessons

be3D Academy Walkthrough
Play 2:49

What Teachers Say

Amy Dugan

Teacher, St. Thomas More School, London
The lessons in BE3D Academy have really good short videos; the fact that the lessons are ISTE-certified is wonderful. BE3D eDee was a great first experience.

Lukas Prochazka

Teacher, Secondary Technical School of Engineering Prosek, Prague, Czech Republic
The high quality of educational projects when using 3D printing really surprised me. Personally, this is the most valuable benefit of using 3D printers in school, especially when it comes to graduation projects. Students have a more innovative approach to them, they are more creative and not afraid to explore and experiment as they can
test their designs right away.

Ingve Bjørnå

Electronics Teacher, Gand Videregående Skole, Norway
We decided to use the YSoft BE3D eDee solution because we liked that the printer was locked down during printing. The locking doors gave us the security we were looking for. With eDee, we feel we are better preparing our students for their future careers and increasing their creativity.