Braille characters
The lesson is a continuation of the BRAILLE'S CUBE lesson. The use of teaching aids, called Braille cubes, is another way of teaching Braille. In contrast to the "cube", it also allows the composition of individual syllables into words, which is an essential part of the methodology for teaching reading and writing not only to pupils with visual impairments. It develops all the key competences from the RVP, but especially the following:
- understands, thinks about, responds to and creatively uses various types of texts and records, visual materials, commonly used gestures, sounds and other information and communication media for their own development and active participation in social life
- uses information and communication means and technologies for quality and effective communication with the outside world (communicative competence).
The lesson/aid can be used with students in the following learning areas:
VZ-9-1-03 explains with examples the direct links between physical, mental and social health; explains the relationship between meeting basic human needs and the value of health;
VO-9-1-04 apply appropriate behaviour and communication in different life situations;
VO-9-1-05p recognizes the value of friendship and relationships between people and is considerate of elderly, ill and disabled fellow human beings;
VV-5-1-06 locates and incorporates the content of visual imagery independently created, selected, or modified into communication in social relationships.
The set contains cubes with Braille dots. Each cube contains a graphic representation of one of the Braille characters and its writing in Braille. Specifically, the set contains the combinations for the letters A to Z, punctuation (period, comma, exclamation mark and question mark), and the prefixes "number", "capital letter" and "string of capital letters".
For practical use, the cubes need to be printed in two colours with high colour contrast, preferably a basic light body (white, yellow) and a dark (black) dots. If changing the filament during the printing process is not possible, the cubes need to be finished by post-processing, which would include recolouring the dots.